
This section defines some commonly used PandABlocks terms.


An ini file that contains the type and number of Blocks that should be built together to form an FPGA image (loadable on a PandABlocks device as a Zpkg).


A piece of FPGA logic that has a number of Field instances and does some specified calculations on each FPGA clock tick. It may be a soft Block like a SEQ, or have hardware connections like a TTLIN Block.


An input, output or parameter of a Block.


A directory containing Block definitions, logic, simulations and timing. Modules will typically contain a single soft Block definition, or a number of hardware Blocks tied to a particular Target Platform, SFP or FMC card.


A PandABlocks Device manufactured by Diamond Light Source and SOLEIL. Schematics on Open Hardware

PandABlocks Device

A Zynq 7030 based device loaded with PandABlocks rootfs so that it runs the PandABlocks framework.

Target Platform

The physical Zynq based hardware that will be loaded with firmware to become a PandABlocks Device like a PandABox or a Picozed Carrier


A specially formatted tar file of built files that can be deployed to a PandABlocks device